SD Gundam G-Next - Data Pack 2/15
SDガンダムGNEXT オーストラリア
GNEXT Expansion
The 'complete' expansion pack for SD Gundam GNext with 42 new units and 6 maps. This particular pack was download February 15th, making it part of the second round of broadcasts so it includes both the units and the maps. The first round was between January 1st, 1996 and January 31st, 1996 which included only the new unit data. The second round was between February 1st, 1996 and March 31st, 1996 and included both unit data and map data. Both broadcasts rounds contained the same unit data. Later made available for sale as a stand alone pack.
The internal title is GNEXT MAP DATA
42 New Units
These are in the order they appear in the guide, not the order they appear in the data. Any name with an asterix (*)
denotes a difference in what the guide had and what is more typically seen. A question mark (?)
indicated a guess at an english name.
- ザメル / Xamel
- ハイゴック* [ハイゴッグ] / Hygogg
- ガンダイバー / Gundiver
- シキカンヨウザク / Hokkaido (?)
- ドラッツェ / Dra-C
- Gキャノン / G-Cannon (?)
- Gキャノン量産型 / G-Cannon Mass Production Type (?)
- ダギ・イルス / Daggi Virus (?)
- カズアル / Kazaru (?)
- カズエル / Kazuel (?)
- ゾロアット / Zoroat (?)
- シャッコー / ZMT-S12G Shokew
- リグ・シャッコー / Shokew (?)
- ゴトラタン / (?)
- ゲンガオゾ / (?)
- ライジングG / (?)
- ノーベルガンダム / (?)
- デビルガンダム / Devil Gundam
- Gシュピーゲル / (?)
- Gデスサイズ / (?)
- Gデスサイズヘル / (?)
- シェンロンG / (?)
- アサルトロンG / (?)
- Gサンドロック / (?)
- Gヘビーアームズ / (?)
- Wガンダム0 / (?)
- ガンダムエピオン / OZ-13MS Gundam Epyon
- トールギス / Tempest (?)
- ヴァイエイト / OZ-13MSX1 Vayeate
- メリクリウス / OZ-13MSX2 Mercurius
- リーオー / (?)
- エアリーズ / (?)
- トーラス / (?)
- マグアナック / Maganac (?)
- トラゴス / Tragos (?)
- 量産型νガンダム / RX-94 Mass Production Type ν Gundam
- Sガンダム / (?)
- Dガンダムサード / RGX-D3 D Gundam "Third"
- はまむら つうしん / 浜村通信 / Hamamura Communication (週刊ファミ通 編集長 / Weekly Famitsu Editor-in-Chief)
- シーフザク / (?)
- スカイガンダム / (?)
- ギルティ / (?)
6 New Maps
These are in the order they appear in the game.
オーストラリア / Australia
ニューヨーク シティ / New York City
ノース アメリカ / North America
茨の園 / Garden of Thorns
I've seen this written as Ibara no Sono
or 荊の園
, due to the 8x8 kanji being near impossible to read. The kanji I have are from the official strategy guide.
フロンティアサイド / Frontier Side
L1 コロニー群 / L1 Colony Group
I've also seen this written as L1 Colony Gun
, and again the ones I have are from the strategy guide.
In Game
In game screenshots from gamaboy.